SOSIUS's workspace
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Permissions allow Items to be shared in the application. Items can be shared on a per Item basis throughout the application, however their permissions are generally applied "behind the scenes" at the application and space level in order to keep things simple.

If you wish to share your content with others, you will need define the permissions of the item(s) so others can access it. Here is a description of each of the Permission levels:

Manage Users have full control of the item and are able to access all controls under the Item Actions menu (including changing the permissions of an item)

Edit Users can edit the contents of the item.

Delete Users can delete the item.

Create Users can create additional items below this item.

View Users can view the content of this item.

By default, the owner of an item is assigned full permissions: Manage, Edit, Delete, Create and View. It is then up to the owner to define what permissions are assigned to others.

To share an item with others, click on the "Share this item with others" button under the Options menu. On the Share page, you will see what Permissions are currently assigned to this item, if its the first time you've shared this item, you'll probably just see your username listed here with your assigned permissions. Note: The owner of an item will always have full access to the Item, even if they deny permissions to themselves.

At the top of the screen you will see that you can add Members or Groups. To add a Member (or Group), either click on the Find button and select the required Member, or enter in the username directly in the box and click Add Member. This will add the Member to the permission list, by default only the View permission is assigned. To adjust the permissions for that Member, click on the boxes in the columns beneath the permission type headings. You will notice that one click will check the box and a second click will cross the box. A cross in a box will explicitly deny that type of permission to the Member, a tick will explicitly allow that type of permission to the Member.

In addition to Groups and Members, there are two other built-in groups: Public and Sosius Members. The built-in Public group includes everyone, even those who are not members of Sosius and the Sosius Members group includes all members of the Sosius application. So if you wish to share something with everyone in the world, click the Add Public button and set the permissions accordingly.

By default, all permissions assigned to an Item are inherited by those beneath it. If permissions are to be restricted on a Item, it is Recommended that "Stop Inherits Permissions" button be clicked. This will stop permissions flowing down from the ancestors of the Item in question. You are then free to define the permissions as you like for the Item.

Clicking on the Summary button displays all of the individual permissions assigned to this Item and all those Items above it. The summary page is useful for determining exactly what permissions are defined on this Item as it includes all permissions which are inherited from Items above it.

Generally the sharing page can be used to widen the access levels on a Item. For example, if a file is to be made freely available, the sharing type can be set to Public with "View" access. However, care should be taken when widening permissions using "Manage" or "Edit" as these confer a fair amount of power to members.

Note: It is also possible to invite someone who is not yet a Member of Sosius to an item; this is performed by selecting "Invite others into this item" from the Options menu, entering the email address into the Members field and clicking the "Invite" button. Once an invitation email has been sent out by the system, you are able to predefine permissions for the invited member. Once the recipient receives the email and signs up, the new member is added as a Contact of yours and automatically picks up the permissions that were predefined.