sosius's workspace
::sosius » Sosius Support Center » Features » Items » Task


Store the details of a task to be completed. Tasks can be used to keep track of issues, to do lists and bugs.

Tasks capture workflow allowing Members to track how a Task has changed over time. A Member updates a Task by clicking on the Create Issue Response button and updates the Task properties. Each time the task is updated, a Task Response is automatically created. The Task History which contains all of the Task Responses is listed at the bottom of the Task view page.


The Status of the Task.
The Priority of the Task.
The Member the task has been assigned to.
The start date of the Task.
The due date of the Task.
Task Content
The full description of the Task.
The percentage of the Task that has been completed.
The period of time prior to the Due date before a reminder is sent to the assigned Member.
Alert Assigned Member
This property is present when creating a new Task, if selected the assigned Member receives an Alert.