SOSIUS's workspace
::SOSIUS » Sosius Support Center » FAQs


Where can I get help?

There are a number of places that help can be obtained in the application:

  • Getting started guide - this guide walks you through setting up and using the core features that Sosius offers.
  • FAQs - this page is a good starting point to read through frequently asked questions by members.
  • The Help Icon - an icon is displayed in the top right corner of each page, clicking on this icon will display the a help page specific to the type of page.
  • Forums - the forums are an area where members can ask specific questions about features of the application or problems that they may have. You may find the answer you are looking for here by searching or browsing the forums.

Sharing Information

How do I invite friends in?
You can invite friends that are not currently members of Sosius to join using the following methods:

  • Go to your Network section, click on the Invite button and enter your friends email addresses.
  • From the Invite new members portlet on your Dashboard, click on Go and then enter your friends email addresses.

How do I share information with friends?
From a specific area in your space, select the Item Options menu and click Share this item with others. Under the Add section of this page, either enter the username in the members box or click on the Find button. Once the username is specified, click on the Add Member button. The member will now be listed in the Permissions section, grant the required permissions to the member and click OK.

How do I share information with only a certain group of friends?
You can configure Groups of friends to simplify the sharing process. From a specific area in your space, select the Item Options menu and click Share this item with others. Under the Add section of this page, either enter the group name or click on the Find Groups button. Once the group is specified, click on the Add Group button. The Group will now be listed in the Permissions section, grant the required permissions to the group and click OK.


How do I know when things have changed?
You can set up Notifications on specific items to notify you by email when something changes. Notifications can be sent for a number of different actions including the edit or addition of content (when you are monitoring other members content) or when the item has been downloaded by another member (when monitoring your content). Navigate to the item that you wish to receive notifications on, select the Item Options menu and click Set up notifications.

How can I tell people things have changed?
You can notify members or groups by email when you have added or updated information using Alerts. From a specific area in your space, select the Item Options menu and click Alert others about this item. From here you can add the members or groups that you wish to alert and specify the content of the email that will be sent.

How do I contact other people?
You can contact other people using the contact options available from a members profile. A members profile can be accessed from:

  • The Network section of the site,
  • The Groups section of the site,
  • The Members list on the left hand side of a page,
  • The Latest Members section of your Dashboard

Clicking on a member allows you to view their profile. From the profile page, click the Contact button which display a form to send the member an email. Note: In order to view the other members profile, they must have set their Privacy Options accordingly.

I'm getting unwanted messages from someone.
If you are receiving unwanted messages from a member, you can block them by viewing the members profile (see How do I contact other people) and then clicking the Block button.
You can also configure your Privacy Options that control who can see your profile and who can contact you.


How do I create content?
From your Workspace section of the site, click the Create button.

What type of content can I create?
Click the Create button to find out what types of Items you can create. For a complete list see Item Help.

How do I edit content?
Click the Edit button next to the Page title.

How can I collect data from my users?
You can collect data from your users a number of different ways. Some examples include:

  • Databases - you can set up a database and allow members to add entries to it.
  • Files - members can upload files to a folder in your space.
  • Pages - members can create pages with HTML or plain text content in your space.

All of these methods require that the members or groups have at least Add permissions on the shared area. For further details, please see the Permissions help.

Can I have a comments section at the bottom of the page?
Yes, you can use Annotations to allow members to add comments to your page. Please see the Supports Topic Annotations section of the Presentation help.

Can I set up workflow?
Workflow allows you to set up predefined processes that copy or move content from one place in the system to another (rather than manually performing copy and paste actions). Please see the help for Workflow for a detailed example.


I'm concerned about my privacy. How do I restrict who sees what about me?
From your My Account section, change your Privacy Settings.

My details have changed, how do I update them?
From your My Account section, click Edit Profile.

How do I upload a logo?
From your My Account section, click Edit Profile.

How can I delete my account?
Log in and make a support request to delete your account. An administrator will delete your account and email you when it has been removed.

Using the Interface

I want to order my items differently.
You can change the default view of an item you own by specifying the View setting of the Items Presentation. This will set the default view of this item that other members will see.
It is also possible to specify your default view of items, overriding what view setting is applied to an Item by:

  • Clicking on one of the available buttons in the bottom right hand corner of the contents section of a page.
  • Clicking Customize Contents View from your My Account section.

How do I copy an item?
From the Item Options menu, click Copy this item.
To Paste the item, navigate to the location where you wish to copy the item to and select Paste from the Item Options menu.

How do I cut an item?
From the Item Options menu, click Cut this item.
To Paste the item, navigate to the location where you wish to move the item to and select Paste from the Item Options menu.

How can I cut and copy several items?
Set the content view to details (see I want to order my items differently), use the checkboxes to the left of the items and click the Cut or Copy button at the bottom of the list. To Paste the items, navigate to the location where you wish to copy or move the items to and select Paste from the Item Options menu.


Can I use SSL with my site?
Yes, you can upgrade your site to use SSL certificates for secure communication. Click on the Subscription button under your My Account section. Click on the Upgrade Account button to specify the SSL option.

I need more bandwidth or storage space, how do I upgrade?
Click on the Subscription button under your My Account section. Click on the Upgrade Account button and set the bandwidth or storage space options as required.

How accessible is the site?

We take accessibility seriously and have adopted a number of practices to ensure that the site is as accessible as possible to all users. If you have any concerns regarding accessibility please contact us through the feedback form.


The HTML used on the site strives to be as clean as possible. We attempt to make all of our pages validate as XHTML and to use only semantic HTML and class names where possible. This means that it is possible to view a page with no stylesheet. Users who prefer to use their own stylesheet should be able to apply it to our site without any difficulty.

Content Ordering

The most important content appears first in the document, making it easier for users with screen readers, or those using the keyboard, to find the content they want more easily. The main content of the site (headings, body text) appears before the navigation which appears on the left hand side of the page.


We have used fonts that maximise legibility. Verdana, the default font face specified for text, has a large x-height making it legible at smaller sizes.

All fonts have been specified using relative units, making it possible to resize the text in any browser, including Internet Explorer. This should be done relatively easily either via your mouse, keyboard shortcuts or the menu system in your browser.

The default font colours have been designed for maximum contrast and clarity for the main content areas of the page. Some text, such as that in the footer, is less important and has a lower contrast.

Alternative Text

Images have alternative text applied to them where helpful.


The site must use a CAPTCHA to stop robots (automated scripts) from creating accounts. We understand that a text based CAPTCHA is inaccessible to visual impaired users and so have also provided a sound recording of the image shown in the text. Users are able to play the sound file if they find the text encoded in the image impossible to decipher.

Progressive enhancement

All pages and forms on the site will work, even if JavaScript is turned off. We adopt the principles of progressive enhancement where a more advanced user interface is shown to users with a browser that can support the features, yet we still provide a usable interface to those who have the most basic of browsers.