SOSIUS's workspace
::SOSIUS » Sosius Support Center » Getting Started » Step 6: Master Advanced Features » Step 6.3: Create Templates

Step 6.3: Create Templates

Create Templates

Templates allow you to store and reuse Item structures. For example, if you have created a workspace with a calendar, several blogs, a contacts database and workflow, you can template this design so that the next time you want to create a project workspace you won’t need to start from scratch.

Templates are also a powerful tool for reusing custom applications. If you create, for example, an asset management database, you can template this item. Members of your network can then use this template to create their own asset management databases using your design.

  • Navigate to the item in your space that you wish to create a Template from.
  • From the Item Actions menu, click Use this item as a template.

  • Give the template a Name and Description. If you want to include the actual data that exists inside the Calendars, Blogs, Databases etc, check the Include Data box.

Now, whenever someone creates a new Folder in your space, the new template will be displayed.

Note: You can create Templates for all of the base node types (e.g. Folders, Files, Blogs, Calendars etc). When creating a new item, you must first select the base node type, if any templates of this type have been defined, a list of the available templates will then be displayed.

Note: Members of your network can use the templates you have defined, but they can only create items from them within your space. If a member of your network wishes to use one of your templates in their own space, you should grant the member write access to an area of your space, have the member create the item from your template and then have the member copy or cut the item into their own space. It is not possible for other members to access the templates that you have defined outside of your space.

Templates that you have created can be accessed from the Template area of your My Account page. From here you can edit the names and descriptions of your templates, delete templates and for safekeeping download a backup of your template. Note: Templates that have been downloaded can only be restored onto the site by administrators.
