SOSIUS's workspace

Step 6.2: Workflow


Workflow allows Items to be quickly and easily flowed (moved or copied) between different areas of the Application in an ordered way. For example, you may wish to move a resume from an in tray folder to an accepted or rejected folder. This can be achieved using Workflow as follows:

  • From one of your workspaces, create 3 folders – one named  “In Tray,” one named “Accepted” and another named “Rejected”
  • Navigate to the “Intray” folder, and select "Set up a workflow for this item" from the Item Options menu
  • From the Configure Workflow from the In Tray page, click Create
  • Select the Act - in this case we want to Move the Item (alternatively it could be copied) to a target folder

  • Select the Cardinality - in this case we want to Move the Item to only One folder (it is possible to Copy an Item to many folders, but only Move an Item to One folder)
  • Tick the Selectable option - in this case we to give Members the option of selecting which folder to move the resume to (in cases where the workflow must follow a desired path, do not select this option)
  • Click OK to finish creating the workflow definition
  • Click the Add Target button and select the accepted folder
  • Click the Add Target button and select the rejected folder

Items in the intray folder will now have a Workflow option available under the Item Action menu. When this is selected, a Member can choose the action defined by the workflow - in this case whether to move the Item from the intray to the accepted or rejected folder. If desired additional workflow could be defined for Items in the accepted or rejected folder.

A member must have at least Edit permissions in the source folder (for a Move action) or View permissions (for a Copy action) and at least Create permissions in the target folders for the workflow action to succeed.

The workflow history of all items in the source folder can be viewed by clicking on the "Set up a workflow for this item" option under the Item Action menu and then by clicking on the View Log button. This history shows detailed information about what Items were moved/copied from this folder to where, by which Member and when it occurred.

Additionally the history of an individual item's workflow can be viewed by navigating to the individual item and clicking on the "See this items workflow log" option from the Item Action menu, please refer to the help on Item Workflow for further details.
