SOSIUS's workspace
::SOSIUS » Sosius Support Center » Getting Started » Step 2: Add content to your workspaces

Step 2: Add content to your workspaces

Add content to your workspaces

Now that you have invited all of the important people in your life to join Sosius, you are ready to design your online workspaces.

When you created your groups in Step 1, an empty workspace was automatically created for each group and added to the My Workspaces area of your dashboard. We will now use the Pynk PR example to show you how to add features to each workspace.

Let’s suppose you have hired a public relations firm, Pynk PR, to help get your new business noticed by the media. You want to create a space where you and the members of the PR team can keep a calendar of events, a library of collateral, blogs for status reporting, a task list and a contacts database.

  • From the My Workspaces window of your Sosius Dashboard, click on Pynk PR
  • Click Create

  • You will now see a list of items to choose from. We’ll start by creating a calendar:

  • Click on Calendar
  • In the Title text box, type a name for your calendar. For example, PR Calendar. Once you have named your calendar, click OK (you may ignore “Next Action” for now).
  • Click on Create Event

  • In the Subject box, give your event a title, such as “Weekly Conference Call”

  • In the Location box, type in the location where the event will take place (e.g., Conference Room 1)
  • Check the timezone to be sure it is correct
  • Give your event a Start and End time by using the date and time pickers
  • Check the Invite Participants box and then click OK
  • You will now see the Add Participants form:

NOTE: If this were a real event, you would click the Add button to see a list of all of your Sosius members. From this list, you would select the members you wanted to invite and would then click Add and Close.

  • To try out this feature, type your own Sosius user name into the Members box
  • Be sure the Send Invitation box is checked and click Add Members. An email invitation will be sent to all of the members you added to this event. (In this case, you only invited yourself. So, check the email account you used when you signed up for Sosius to see the invitation for "Weekly Conference Call").
  • You will now see an event summary page listing all of the details for your event
  • Repeat these steps to add a calendar to one or more of the workspaces you created

Now let's try adding some blogs to one of your workspaces.

  • Return your Sosius Dashboard and click on one of the workspaces you create (e.g., Project Team Space) from the My Workspaces window
  • Click Create and then click Blog
  • In the Title box, type in the name of your blog (e.g., Project Status Blog) and then click OK
  • Repeat these steps to create a blog for each of your team members to report their individual progress.

We will now show you how to add a document to your project team workspace.

  • From your project team workspace, click Add Files (you will find this to the right of the Create button)
  • Click Add Files on the Upload Files page to select a file to upload (for example, a status update presentation)
  • Click Add Files again to upload multiple files at once
  • When you are done, click Upload

Now let us return to the Dashboard to access your personal workspace. From the My Workspaces portlet, open the personal workspace you create in Step 1. Use the instructions above to add a calendar and a blog and to upload some files. Then try creating a task:

  • From your workspace, click on Create and then on Task
  • Click on Advanced to see all of the options
  • In the Title box, give your task a name (e.g., Write client proposal)
  • Select the Status and Priority
  • In the Assigned box, click on Find to assign the task to another Sosius member, or click Assign to me to assign the task to yourself

  • Give your task a Start and Due date using the date pickers
  • If you wish, you may write some details about the task and format the text using the controls in the Task Content box
  • Use the Reminder drop down box to set an email reminder for 1 day, 1 week or 1 month prior to the due date
  • If you assigned the task to another Sosius member, check the Alert Assigned Member box. The member will receive an email notifying him/her that he/she has been assigned a task
  • When you are finished, click OK

You should now have a personal workspace complete with a Calendar, a Blog, several documents, and a Task manager. Let's create a contacts database to make it complete.

  • From you workspace, click on Create and then on Database
  • From the list of templates, click on Contacts
  • Give your database a name by typing it into the Title text box (e.g., My Personal Contacts)
  • Click Copy
  • Click Create Entry to begin adding contacts to the database

  • To import a vCard, click Import and then click Import vCard. Click Browse to locate the vCard that you wish to import and then click Import
  • To set up an email account for this database to which you can email vCards, click Edit from the My Personal Contacts page
  • Scroll down the Edit page until you come to Publish Email
  • In the text box, type a name such as "My Contacts" to create an email address (e.g., username_mycontacts). You may now send vCards to this address and they will automatically be added to the database

If your contacts are in a spreadsheet and you wish to import them, first be sure that your file is in .csv format

  • To import a CSV file, click Import from the My Personal Contacts page 
  • You will now see a list of all of the columns in the template. The columns in your CSV file must match the columns in the database template in the same order. If they do not match, return to the My Personal Contacts page and click Columns
  • Use the controls on this page to add, remove or re-order any column
  • Once you have confirmed that the columns in the template match the columns in your spreadsheet, return to the My Personal Contacts page and click Import
  • Click Import CSV File
  • Click Browse to locate the file you wish to import
  • Be sure the Use File Header (if the first row contains the column names) and Validate boxes are checked
  • Click Import

NOTE: To share any piece of content or other Sosius item with others, mouse the mouse over the Item Options menu from the right-hand corner of any workspace page.

Select Share this item with others and follow the instructions on the page to add members and assign permissions.

NOTE: Remember that in order to share information with another person, that person must first be invited to your Sosius network. For more information on Sharing, please see the Sosius Online Help Center.

